trip distance: 4,684 miles
biggest week 745 miles
longest day: 143 miles
shortest day: 12 miles
average miles a day: 74.3 miles
century days: 8
90+ miles days: 9
rest days: 7
longest stretch between services: 78 miles
highest pass: monarch 11,311 feet
most climbing in a day: 11,000 feet
max speed: 58 m.p.h.
most consecutive days without a shower: 3
zen days: 3
dogs hit: 1
times I cried: 2
summits: a lot
weight lost: 15 pounds
gear weight: ? too much!
broken/lost phones: 2
places I stayed
hotel: 10
campground: 17
House/B&B: 19
side of the road/park:24
4 flat tires
2 new tires
1 cracked rim
new handlebar tape
new chain
1 tire made it all the way across!
8-12 spokes broken
best road was seven devils road in Oregon
worst road was in California by some surf spot on a rutted gravel/dirt
toughest climb monarch pass 7 miles @ 6.5% took 2 hours to climb
funnest descent was hayters gap
most scenic state Colorado
best state for cycling Oregon
worst state was Nevada, go figure
best weather California warm and a little rain, but no humidity or 90 degree days
toughest day, last day I rode with the infected saddle sore
favorite foods on the trip
twix ice cream bars
snickers ice cream bars
swiss rolls
cold coke or pepsi
ritz crackers
chinese buffets
well, any buffet
Cool, I'm glad you did this. I'm at work, too, so I showed Jake. He said, "Eff that," when we saw the 24 days on the side of the road. But I still want to do it.