Monday, May 18, 2009

day27 91mi 8:14 12mi N of ceder city,UT

Would love to come visit you girls in boulder, its only about 300 miles out of the way. Shoot me an e-mail

Woke up and got started around 8:30. I couple of climbs to start the day and I got into milford around lunch and ate at penny's cafe. Had a triple decker sandwich and iot was pretty gtood. I had a head/crosswind for about 15 miles, but it wasn't that bad and I got to see how I would do if the wind shifted into my face instead of at my back. I rode up a neverending summit and decided to camp after the descent.I reached the descent and I saw a town just a little down the road. It was actually about 20 miles away and my sense of distance was thrown off by the lights. I decided stupidly to try and make it into town. It was getting dark and I put on my reflective vest but couldn't find my red light. I think I forgot it in my tent and when I shook the dust out in the morning it fell out. I eventually came to my senses after it got completely dark and stopped by a low stone wall and camped on the side of the road.

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